Students' Resources
British Council Learn English

British Council Learn English
I have worked for the British Council in Tunisia (2 years), Myanmar (3 years), Colombia (3 years), Czech republic (4+ years), British Council Online (1+ year). If you work for a charity organisation (yes the BC is a registered charity, a non-profit organisation) for that long they must offer something amazing. This was long overdue, so a look at their student/teacher resources: Learn English
What is it
They have 4 major websites with student resources:
- For adult
- For teens
- For children
The first 3 websites offer a wide variety of resources for students/teachers
Fist of all they offer courses: They are a school in the end, but they also offer free resources:
- Skills: focuses on the 4 different skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
- Grammar: Grammar explanations and exercises for different levels A1- C1
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary exercise for different levels A1-C1
- Business English: resources for business students
- General English: more resources for General English
Again they offer courses, but also resources:
- Skills: focuses on the 4 different skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
- Grammar: Grammar explanations and exercises for different levels A1- C1
- Vocabulary: Vocabulary exercise for different levels A1-C1
- Exams: resources for different exams
- Study Break: resources to have a small break but still use English
- Blog: Blog posts on different topic
- Listen and watch: different listening and video resources
- Read and write: different reading and writing resources
- Speak and spell: different resources for speaking and spelling
- Grammar and Vocabulary: different resources for both grammar and vocabulary
- Fun and games: resources to enjoy and have fun
- Print and make: worksheets and crafts resources
- Parents: help for the parents
- Take IELTS: resources for students
- Organisations: resources for organisations who use IELTS
- Teach IELTS: resources for Teachers
- Partner organisations: More information on their Partners
Who is it for?
- is for adult students and their teachers
- is for teen students and their teachers
- is for children their teachers and parents
- is for anyone who is interested in IELTS
How long does it take?
It really depends on the resources you select. Some take 5 minutes, some are useful to teach a whole 1 hour class.
Most of the self-study resources don’t take up too much time.
Why use it?
They are a highly reputable organisation and they have some amazing teachers and they know what they are doing.
The self-study materials just give you some extra things you as a student can do at home to improve your English. All the resources are professionally made and easy to use.
How use it?
For students it is a real treasure trove of extremely useful resources to advance your English. Just have a look at what you need and use it.
Teachers can use it to help teach classes and supplement their classes.
Watch out for!
- They have really extensive resources, but of course can’t cover everything. Sometimes you need the help of a teacher to point you in the right direction.
- You will also still need a teacher to help you with speaking and structuring everything for you
- The IELTS website just offers the basics of resources
- There aren’t any resources for Cambridge exams First, Advanced and Proficiency
How have I used it?
- I have pointed students in the right direction and told them which resources would help them best based on the problems they have.
- I have used some of the resources in my classes when teaching
So, go have a look at the British council resources, don’t get lost, but do tell us which ones you liked the most in the comments below.
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Kristof Abrath
Teacher, Trainer, Course Designer
Teaching in English on 4 different continents since 2006.