English reading online

Free English books

English reading free books

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Reading is one of the best ways to improve your English. You can read as fast or as slow as you can, you can easily re-read a section or part of the book. You can highlight, underline, easily find new vocabulary,… Plus, reading is a pleasure, it helps you relax and you might also learn something new.

Now more than ever, we need access to an online library, so we can read at home. Especially, when we have already read everything at home and we want something new. So, here are 2 amazing websites:

They both have many books and they are all FOR FREE. So, what’s stopping you now from picking up a book and start reading some English.


They give you access to graded readers. This means, not the original books, but adapted/changed for a specific level. This is extremely useful for lower level students, who are not very confident in reading English. That way they have access to books which are easy to read for their level of English.

They have many different genres and 7 different reading levels:

english-e-reader.net Graded readers overview 1
english-e-reader.net Graded readers overview 2

All you need to do is SIGN UP

English-e-readers Sign up

Create an account or join through Facebook.

Just fill in your name, an email, and your password check you’re not a robot and click REGISTER and you’re ready to go.

Once inside you can choose the level you are interested in. Just click on STUDY and click on SETTINGS.

English-e-reader my study

There in the settings you can pick your level. Just select what level you want to read and save the changes.

English-e-reader graded reader levels

You can also find the levels at the bottom of the page. There you can click on the level you want to have a look at.

English-e-reader graded reader levels footer

Now you just browse through the books and select the book you want to read.

English-e-reader graded reader browse books

On every book you have some information, by clicking on the picture.

English-e-reader graded reader book information

You get the title, the author, the level, what kind of story it is, some statistics of the book and a little summary of what the book is about.

At the bottom you find the TEXT ANALYSIS box with the amount of words, and the amount of unique words.

Underneath you have a list of the HARD WORDS: these are the difficult words for the book.

At the bottom of the page you have the options for you to read. You can:

  • Read it online through your web browser
  • You can download it in different formats for different e-readers
  • You can download the audio and listen to someone reading the book for you

So, go SIGN UP and start reading in English again. Enjoy!


This is from the internet archive, so they not only have books, they have so much more and again all for free. The only difference here is that these are originals, so for students who feel confident in English and can read books that are meant for native English speakers. Still, you could also just start with the children’s books and work your way up…


openlibrary sign up

Fill in your email, pick a username and password, select you’re not a robot and click SIGN UP.

openlibrary sign up 2

Then just confirm your email address.

openlibrary comfirm email address

And you’re ready to go.

Now all you need to do is find a book:

  • You can search for a book
  • Have a look at subjects
  • Have a look at some book lists from other people

Click on the picture of the book to get some more information.

openlibrary books overview

You can also click on READ and start reading the book.

openlibrary reading books

Or you can download the book as an Epub or a PDF.

Just not all book are available, so it might be that you click on a book and you can’t read it. Others you can only BORROW or LISTEN to. Still, you’ll have more than enough books to last you a few lifetimes.

openlibrary book information.

And like I said it’s part of the internet archive, so you have also access to:

Websites, video, audio, software, Images,…

internet archive overview

So, SIGN UP and start exploring and enjoying.

Now you don’t have any excuse anymore to start reading in English!

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Kristof Abrath

Kristof Abrath
Teacher, Trainer, Course Designer
Teaching in English on 4 different continents since 2006.

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Kristof Abrath

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