Teacher Trainer Workshops
Don't just say listen

Outline of the workshop
This 6 hr (8*45mim) seminar
In this workshop we’ll have a look at listening in the secondary classroom. Listening is often overlooked as a skill and is equally important as speaking in any form of communication. In the workshop we will have a look at different listening skills and how to improve them. Additionally, we will examine how we can use listening as a springboard to develop other skills. We will have a look at different listening exercises as well as songs and videos to facilitate direct language learning. When exploited well they can be an effective learning tool for increasing passive as well as active use of the language. In the seminar we’ll cover:
The different reasons to include listening in the classroom
Here we will have a look at the pedagogical reasons to include listening into the classroom. We will examine the benefits of listening to develop English fluency as well as the impact of listening on vocabulary, and grammar and speaking skills.
Different activities for listening in the classroom
Here we will have a look at different games and activities (flashcards, videos, games, pictures, questions,…) to use before the actual listening tasks, during the listening tasks and after the listening task. We will have a look at using different resources, authentic materials and where to find them, using songs to exploit listening skills. Using different tasks for video listening.
How to improve listening skills
Here we will have a look at different activities to fully improve the students’ listening skills. We will have a look at different games and activities to improve listening for gist, for specific information, for detail, for attitude, extensive listening, listening for individual sounds and inferring meaning.
How to improve spoken and written language production through listening
Here we will have a look at how to exploit listening text to improve students speaking, writing, vocabulary and grammar skills. We will have a look at different games and activities to improve these skills.
Overview of the workshop
- About the trainer
- About the workshop
- Experience and expectation reflection
- Methodology
- The importance of listening in the classroom
- The importance of listening
- What is listening?
- An overview of the different listening skills
- The difference between real listening and in the classroom
- Different listening activities and how to improve listening
- Before listening
- During listening
- After listening
- At home
- Using authentic material
- How to improve other skills through listening
- Listening
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Pronunciation
- Songs
- Video
- Different activities
- Participate
- Reflect
- Give feedback
- Teachers share resources
- Additional resources
- Final reflection and feedback
Additional information
- This seminar is mainly for Primary and Secondary English teacher. Still, all of the activities are suitable for any language class. Additionally, some of these activities are also suitable for adult learners of English.
- The seminar is done in a face to face setting.
- The whole seminar takes place in English and good level of English is desired.
- The seminar is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education.
- The seminar can be adapted and changed as well as delivered online where needed, but then will no longer be accredited by the Czech Ministry.
- A booklet is provided to all participants giving a detailed overview of the whole seminar as well as all the various activities.