Teacher Trainer Workshops

Grammar no dread no drill!

Teacher Training workshops Grammar no dread no drill

Outline of the workshop

This 6 hr (8*45mim) seminar will focus on presenting grammar in various ways as well as different grammar activities and games. Firstly, we will examine closely the distinction between the deductive and inductive approach of presenting grammar and the benefits and drawbacks of both. Next, we will have a look at some different coursebooks and courbook activities for primary and secondary and how they present grammar. After that, we will have a look at 2 inductive grammar lessons (primary and secondary) Then, we will try out a range of specific grammar games and activities, while reflecting on their usefulness for your specific classroom setting. Next, we will have a look at different resources to help with teaching grammar lessons. Finally, we will reflect on the whole workshop and review the things we learned and enjoyed.

Overview of the workshop

  • About the trainer
  • About the workshop
  • Experience and expectation reflection
  • Methodology
    • What are some of the difficulties teaching grammar?
    • What are some of the solutions for teaching grammar?
    • What is the difference between the deductive and inductive approach?
    • Why use the inductive approach?
    • Why use the deductive approach?
    • Primary lesson inductive/ not using overt grammar rules Elementary
      • Study case: Can for ability
    • Secondary lesson inductive B1/B2+
      • Study case: Narrative tenses collaborative writing or speaking lesson
    • Different grammar presentations from different course books
    • Primary coursebooks
    • Secondary coursebooks
  • Different grammar activities
    • Songs
    • Pictures
    • Role plays
    • Mingles
    • Board games
    • Other Grammar activities
  • Different activities
    • Participate
    • Reflect
    • Give feedback
  • Teachers’ share resources
  • Additional resources
  • Final reflection and feedback

Additional information

  • This seminar is mainly for Primary and Secondary English teacher. Still, all of the activities are suitable for any language class. Additionally, some of these activities are also suitable for adult learners of English.
  • The seminar is done in a face to face setting.
  • The whole seminar takes place in English and good level of English is desired.
  • The seminar is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education.
  • The seminar can be adapted and changed as well as delivered online where needed, but then will no longer be accredited by the Czech Ministry.
  • A booklet is provided to all participants giving a detailed overview of the whole seminar as well as all the various activities.

Previous Workshops

Kristof Abrath

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