Teacher Trainer Workshops

Songs in the primary classroom

Teacher Training workshops Songs in the primary classroom

Outline of the workshop

This 6 hr (8*45mim) seminar will have a look at using different songs in the primary classroom. Songs are an essential part of human culture for as long as we can remember. Songs are an integral part of our language experience and contribute to our indirect language learning. Still, they can also be exploited to facilitate direct language learning. When exploited well they can be an effective learning tool for increasing passive as well as active use of the language.

We’ll have a look at:

Listening in general and the different listening skills

Here we will have a look at the importance of listening and try to define a definition of listening, so we can better understand it. We will also have a look at different listening skills that go beyond listening for detail and gist and how this can help improve overall listening.

The different reasons to include songs in the classroom 

Here we will have a look at the pedagogical and educational reasons to include songs in the classroom for English language development. We will have a look at the theory of how songs can help primary students in their English development 

Different activities to using songs in the classroom

Here we will have a look at different activities that can be used before, during and after the song to help develop language development. We will have a look at using pictures, videos, games and other resources to fully exploit songs for language development. We will have a look at different songs for different language aspects: songs to exploit grammar, songs to improve vocabulary, songs to improve listening skills. We will have a look at different songs that are suitable for different levels of English.

How to improve language production

Here we will have a look at different production activities and games to use to fully exploit the listening tasks. We will look at games in a combination of listening, speaking, writing, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. 

Overview of the workshop

  • About the trainer
  • About the workshop
  • Experience and expectation reflection
  • Methodology
    • The importance of listening in the classroom
    • The importance of listening
    • What is listening?
    • An overview of the different listening skills
    • How songs help with language learning
    • How to select music and songs in the classroom
    • The structure of listening activities
      • Before listening
      • During listening
      • After listening
    • Other usage of songs
  • Different games and activities that include listening
    • Listening
    • Speaking
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Vocabulary
    • Grammar
    • Pronunciation
  • Different activities
    • Participate
    • Reflect
    • Give feedback
  • Teachers share resources
  • Additional resources
  • Final reflection and feedback

Additional information

  • This seminar is mainly for Primary and Secondary English teacher. Still, all of the activities are suitable for any language class. Additionally, some of these activities are also suitable for adult learners of English.
  • The seminar is done in a face to face setting.
  • The whole seminar takes place in English and good level of English is desired.
  • The seminar is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education.
  • The seminar can be adapted and changed as well as delivered online where needed, but then will no longer be accredited by the Czech Ministry.
  • A booklet is provided to all participants giving a detailed overview of the whole seminar as well as all the various activities.

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Kristof Abrath
Teacher, Trainer, Course Designer
Teaching in English on 4 different continents since 2006.

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Kristof Abrath

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