Teacher Trainer Workshops
Do we really have to read this?
Outline of the workshop
This 6 hr (8*45mim) seminar
will look at different ways of exploiting texts, books, and other reading materials to improve students’ reading, vocabulary, grammar, listening, writing and speaking skills. We will also have a look at how to incorporate graded readers inside and outside the classroom. Overall to encourage and improve students literacy as well as improve their lexical range in a more engaging and student centred way.
What is reading
Here we will have a look at what reading exactly is and try to form a definition to work with. This should provide us with a better picture of different aspects of reading. Next, we will also examine more closely the different reading skills there are. This should help us with the ability to target different aspects of reading and help our students more specifically with what they are struggling with. Finally we will look at an overview of the differences between reading in the classroom and outside the classroom. This should help us with a better picture of what kind of text our students are exposed to and what differences there are between them.
Reading skills activities
In this part of the seminar we will have a closer look at a variety of activities to target different reading subskills. You will get the opportunity to practice different activities for different learners and levels.
Reading combined with other skills
Here we will have a look at and practice different activities and games which use a combination of reading with other skills. For example: reading and vocabulary, reading and listening, reading and grammar, reading and writing, reading and pronunciation,….
Graded readers
This part focuses on the different aspects of graded readers, the use of graded readers as well as different activities, games to do with them before, during and after the reading.
Extra resources
In the final part of the seminar we will have a look and discuss extra resources we use to exploit reading skills, be it online or in printed form.
Overview of the workshop
- About the trainer
- About the workshop
- Experience and expectation reflection
- Methodology
- What is reading
- An overview of the different reading skills
- The difference between reading inside and outside the classroom
- Reading combined with other skills
- Vocabulary
- Reading
- Pronunciation
- Speaking
- Listening
- Writing
- Graded readers
- Selecting a graded reader
- Selecting a level
- How many copies
- Where to find graded readers
- Free resources: books + shorter stories
- Encouraging students to read
- Different activities to do with graded readers
- Using the graded reader
- Before the reading
- During the reading
- After the reading
- Different activities
- Participate
- Reflect
- Give feedback
- Teachers share resources
- Additional resources
- Final reflection and feedback
Additional information
- This seminar is mainly for Primary and Secondary English teacher. Still, all of the activities are suitable for any language class. Additionally, some of these activities are also suitable for adult learners of English.
- The seminar is done in a face to face setting.
- The whole seminar takes place in English and good level of English is desired.
- The seminar is accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education.
- The seminar can be adapted and changed as well as delivered online where needed, but then will no longer be accredited by the Czech Ministry.
- A booklet is provided to all participants giving a detailed overview of the whole seminar as well as all the various activities.
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Kristof Abrath
Teacher, Trainer, Course Designer
Teaching in English on 4 different continents since 2006.